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Discover The Secrets Of Success

The Power Of Time And How To Use It

Success is about having a wish, dream, desire and ambition and eventually accomplishing it despite obstacles, oppositions and difficulties confronted in the process.

To become successful, you must have a goal, you must have something you desire to accomplish, and the beauty of success is in the ability to achieve that goal within record time.

Life is less of competing with others and more of meeting or in fact beating deadlines on our personal goals and dreams.

Life is dynamic and different for every one of us and your success concept is different from my success concept. One man’s dream may be to work for a multibillion naira business and his neighbor’s dream may be to own a multibillion naira business. For these two men, their daily activities, routines, tasks, associations and thinking will be very different.

If the one with the dream to own a business eventually works for one instead of owning one, no matter his pay and wealth in life, he has failed and will feel like a failure because he didn’t achieve his dream. No matter how others see him or perceive him as successful, he will never feel successful as his definition of success is not as others think.

Being successful is actually a matter of earning a reward based on a goal pursued and accomplished. There is a psychological, emotional and most times material reward tied to goals and dreams. These rewards serve to motivate and encourage us in our vigorous and challenging pursuit of our varying success definitions.

However for many, we tend to give up on chasing and pursuing our goals based on very many external distractions we face daily. We are tried, tempted and enticed to give up on our dreams and goals every now and again in this life.

These temptations tend to derail many, distract many, delay many or at the worst truncate the dreams of many.

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Comfort, pleasure and fear are the most notorious detractors on our journeys through life. When you’re afraid, you give up easily, when you’re comfortable, you give up easily, and when you love pleasure, the discipline to keep on going on that goal is sacrificed.

Letting go on your personal goals and dreams however, have very painful consequences latter on in life. You’re likely going to be full of regret when you’re too old and it’s too late to do that which you’ve always wanted to do in life. When you get the success gist about others like you who remained focused when you gave up, it will make you feel bad about yourself.

When you cross 70 and daily watch your contemporaries, old colleagues, old classmates on TV still relevant, still respected, doing great stuff, creating policies, gaining appointments and being busy at nation building when you, on the other hand are alone, at home, kids all grown and gone, you’ve become irrelevant, perhaps waiting for pension, or your kids to send you something to feed and pay medical bills, you’d really wish you followed through on your great dreams and lifelong goals.

No matter how credible your excuses and reasons for giving up on your dreams appear today, it does not negate or excuse you from the consequence of giving up on these dreams in your latter years in life. Poverty is no respecter of sound arguments.

Criticizing the government, your employer, the environment, and everything not working adds no value to your personal life value tomorrow. Blaming currency fluctuations, poor infrastructure, other people, other tribes, religion or the rich does not upscale your bank balance.

This is not to say its wrong to speak out, this is an advice that whilst you’re speaking against what’s not working, create enough time to make your own life work.

You see, your life can never improve on the account of whatever is happening around you either good or bad. Your life can only improve on the account of what’s happening within you.

You are ultimately, the controller and the regulator of your life. You have the ultimate power of choice and decisions. Even God won’t force you to do what you don’t want to do. That’s why there is God’s punishment for disobedience, not coercion or forced obedience.

Your life is like a car with climate control – an air conditioner. The power to control the temperature within is in your hands. Despite the temperature outside your car, you can be unbothered by it since you have the power to control the temperature within.

When the climate control in your car is functioning, you don’t bother about how sunny the weather is, you don’t bother about rainy days, you don’t bother about dusty days; you’re not moved by all that is ongoing externally because you can control what happens within your car.

Such is your life my dear friend, the environment may be perilous, precarious and hazardous, if your self-control is working efficiently, you need not worry, just turn it on and keep on moving.

It is time you control your life and order it in the direction of your expected reward in life. Too many of us are off track in our journeys through life due to fear, comfort, convenience and pleasure. Many of us have traveled for so long in the wrong direction we don’t know what next to do as turning back appears too difficult and almost impossible. Many of us look at our future and we feel this chill of fear knowing we may become victims of a future we’ve refused to conquer today, yet we push these thoughts and fears aside as though it will go away if we just keep ignoring.

Take control of the driving wheel of your journey in life today. Let go of the fear, the temporary comfort and the excess pleasure.

It may be difficult to start a business, but it is not impossible, so start one. It might be difficult to go back to school based on your busy schedule but it’s not impossible, so go back. It may be difficult combining paid employment with personal business but it’s not impossible, so do it, learn how others are doing it and do it too. You can do anything you learn how to do. So find out how and do it!

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Excuses are basically the nails used in building a house of failure. If others are doing it, yes you can as well. What do you need to do to achieve dreams and goals in life? I’ll tell you.

1. State clearly the thing you want to do, the quality of reward you want and the time you want it. The dream to own a house in Ikoyi or Banana Island or Maitama, is different from a goal to own a house in your village, hence the effort and timing will be different, house is not house, quality is different, define the quality of your goals. Write them down, make them clear, and write down the time lines as well.

2. Identify the knowledge, capacity and skills you need that can earn you the kind of income and reward sufficient enough to finance your dreams and goals. You can’t have the capacity or employment that pays less than 200,000 a month and plan to purchase a new German brand of SUV vehicle for example. Your capacity obviously can’t afford it. Grow capacity to earn what you want and deserve. Grow your skills, knowledge and true capacity.

3. Respect every hour of your day. Your life is designed to move in the direction of what you do with every hour of your day. As boring as this may sound, success is in your ability to plan every hour of your life and adhere to it. That, my friend, is self-control. Have an hourly to-do-list and stick to it as much as possible. A daily life unplanned will derail and remain unproductive. Don’t just follow a routine, have a productive daily routine for personal development, productivity and valuable interactions. Plan your rests and vacations as well. If your life is unplanned, you will suffer waste in time. Plan your hours, that’s the only way to remain on track in life.

RELATED: 8 Things Successful People Never Waste Time Doing

Choose to take charge of your life, dreams, goals and destiny, arguments and excuses don’t matter, your decisions and actions do, be wise.

About Turetalk

We help to offer advice on best business practices, inspiration from major personalities in business and entertainment, and motivation to improve your mind and body

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