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This Steps Will Help You If You Are Not Doing Too Well

Someone close to me is not doing so well. She’s dealing with fear, anxiety and depression all at the same time. Her predicament is my inspiration.

It’s my duty not to sit back and ignore someone who really needs help. That help can’t always be given directly though. Sometimes that help needs to come in a different form. Sometimes the words that need to be said can’t be said in person.

We can’t sit back and ignore people who are going through a rough time (that’s how suicide can occur).

Instead, we need to be the light in someone else’s darkness. That’s why this blog post is for this very special person, who has no idea who she has already inspired and will continue to inspire. I’ve had my own fair share of struggles over the last year and so I know exactly how she is feeling.

When you’re not doing so well remember the following:

A) Don’t hide from the world

It’s so easy to disappear and hide in the shadows when you’re not doing so well. Your bed feels so warm and coffee tastes amazing. Hiding won’t help the horrible feelings you are going through. By avoiding the pain you are feeling, you only create more for yourself.

This process becomes a vicious cycle that you feel like you can’t escape. The very thing you need during these tough times are your friends, family and work colleagues. Tell them how you are feeling. Don’t bottle it up. The more your inner circle knows of your struggle, the more they can help.

You’ve done the same for them so now it’s time to let them help with your healing process. Start by being honest about where you are at. Talk the issues through with people you trust. You’ll find through this process that most of what is going on in your head is based on fear.

“Your fear is there to protect you from danger, but not to help you rediscover yourself. It’s okay not to be okay. Embrace that truth and let it set you free”

B) Your reason for existence can come into question

Through these challenging times every day can feel kind of meaningless. The worst thing you can have happen to your life is to lose your sense of meaning. Your meaning is what keeps you moving forward and it’s what will be the antidote to your pain.

Try reconnecting with what inspires you and what has gotten you to where you are today. Maybe that’s your religion, your graphic design ability, your love of art or even your thirst for travel. Don’t ever forget why you are put on this Earth because that very thought can potentially end all of your happiness.

I’ve questioned the meaning of my life on many occasions and it always comes back to the same thing: I’m here to inspire people – like everyone reading this article – to think differently and question their own thoughts.

I’m here to tell you that it’s all going to be okay and our problems are the same for all of us. These problems just show up in the form of different flavors, but they are all part of the same soup.

C) The world’s beauty can be lost on you

What you need to do is get out into this beautiful world. The trouble is that when you’re not doing so well, you forget where you are right now at this point in time. Let me remind you in case you’ve forgotten. You are living on the most beautiful planet in the entire solar system.

You were chosen to cyyome to life out of thousands of little sperm. You live in a place where there is glorious sun, phenomenal winters full of snow and during a time when technology has taken our lives to a new level. You can literally be whoever you want to be at this moment.

Today you might be a comedian and tomorrow you might be an Internet sensation. Everything in your life is your choice because you are free. Free to dream. Free to love. Free to be free. Free yourself from this brief moment of negativity.

Get back on the horse and try again. All anyone ever wanted for you is to be happy, it’s just that you don’t know that. Live like a kid again and take pride in the small things that you once didn’t notice. Smell the flowers in the park, jump in the puddles, pull a stupid face and have a warm cup of tea.

D) There’s someone that cares for you

“The suffering begins when you think you’re alone. You’re not”

Someone, somewhere cares about you. Heck, I care about you and that’s why I wrote this article. No one wants you to go through hard times, but it’s during these moments that you get a chance to reflect. You get an opportunity to rebuild your life and find something new.

Don’t lie to yourself because you and I know that you’re not alone. You don’t live on Mars, in some dark hole, where life is mostly inhabitable. You’re here on Earth surrounded by people that care about you even though they may not all tell you.

It’s simple to overcome this dilemma though. Just ask these people if they care about you and you’ll see that I am right.

E) Today was a good day

You thought you weren’t doing so well yet you made it through this article. And guess what? You made it through today as well. It was not easy, but you did it. So if you can make it through today then why can’t you make it through tomorrow as well?

The answer is you can. You can make it through every single day when you take the focus off your suffering and get out there and help people in some meaningful way.

That’s what we’re all good at after all. We are all excellent at being of service, so why not do that as a part of the healing process.

The first thing I do when I’m going through what you’re going through is volunteer at the homeless shelter. Try that or pick something that takes you out of your head.

Even though you may have felt sad today, the sun still came up. Your friends still sent you flowers, messages and comforted you. Don’t become dependent on these gifts, but use them. As you get through enough of these days, you build muscle you never thought you’d have.

This muscle can be used next time the dark clouds in your life appear. Better yet, this new muscle can be put to good use and given to someone in your life who may need it when you’re all better again.

Don’t forget that today was a good day for the only reason that you made it through it. You survived. We’re all survivors and we can get through today if we put all of our focus on doing so. Take it one day at a time and each day will be just a little bit easier.

Repeat after me “Today was a good day. Tomorrow’s going to be even better.”

Say it again. Repeat over and over until you know this phrase to be true. Best of luck soldier. My thoughts are with you and you’ll get through these difficult times.

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