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3 Ways You Can Look at Any Struggle and Turn It Into a Positive Result

We are all experiencing life on a daily basis. That means that we all have a sense of what we want, and we all create our own expectations about how some things should go and how some should not.

If things go our way, whether it is getting that job we are applying for, getting a date with that dream partner or any other scenario that we desire, we feel happy, satisfied and capable. But when they don’t, it is easy to get caught up in the negativity of failing to fulfill our plans and our ability to see the good in every situation gets blocked by our emotions and our fading illusions.

In that same way, when unexpected difficulties cross our paths, the majority of people focus on how well things would be going if it weren’t for that setback, or how misfortunate they are to be dealing that struggle. Logic and intuition tell us that a struggle is something negative. I say it is completely the opposite.

Here are 3 ways that you can look at your struggle so you can experience the positive effects that any struggle can offer you:

1. See your struggles as lessons

When you don’t get the results you hoped for from a certain situation, rather than feeling sad and pessimistic about it, you should try and seize the opportunity to learn something. Ask yourself, “what could I have done differently to increase the chances of getting the results I wanted?”

Identify where you failed and make the proper adjustment so that the same thing won’t happen to you again in the future. By doing this, your struggle just became a life lesson, and life lessons are an asset that we can take an incredible advantage of in many situations.

I once had an interview for a job I really wanted, but I did not prepare optimally and when my interviewer asked me, “What motivates you?”, I didn’t know exactly what to answer. Screwing this interview up made me search for what motivates me, and find it. It also made me realize that next time I have an interview or some important event in my forecast, I must take time to prepare and rehearse.

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” – Napoleon Hill

2. See your struggles as growth

Life is not all about rainbows and butterflies. It gets tough sometimes, and we are just one unexpected event away from visiting very dark places. When you hit rock bottom, tell yourself that you have been chosen to go on a mission to find a treasure, and the only way you will survive is by preparing for the future, and by being different.

It is in those moments that we, little by little, begin to find relief in the simplest things: In nature, family, music, art, reading, and living. Your spirit will begin to find new meanings of life you could have never thought about in normal circumstances, and the meanings that you find will begin to light a fire inside of you that will propel you for the rest of your life.

Rather than harming yourself over your misfortune, believe in a higher purpose and recognize and feel the growth you are experiencing through the pain. Be more than patient and be aware that those difficult moments are giving you the strength to influence millions of people in the future. It will all be more than worth it when it´s all over and your lasting struggle will transform you into a much more spiritual, determined and happy person.

3. See your struggles as destiny

Have you ever thought that you struggling with something could be the trigger for you to get to beautiful destinations? It completely changed my perspective when I heard a friend’s story about how she met the love of her life. It was a several years ago when my friend got assaulted by two men while she was driving her car down the road in the middle of the night.

They took the car and let her go after minutes of verbal and physical abuse. She was left so traumatized that she was really struggling to leave her house months after the incident. Her parents were so worried about her that they decided to force her to take an exchange semester in Chile so she can clear her mind up. Guess who she met there?

This is a clear example of how a misfortune can transform into a blessing. Combine any struggle that you are facing or could face in the future with a little hope, and expect the unbelievable to happen.

“Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” – Biz Stone

Every struggle carries with it the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to believe. Make sure to use these three different perspectives every time you are struggling with something, and it would not take much before you start seeing the good out of any situation.

What is a struggle you have run into and how did you turn it into a positive result? Leave your thoughts below!

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