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3 Customer Engagement Techniques for All Startups

Customer Engagement
Today’s customers have access to a world of products and services across all fronts, especially the e-commerce businesses. With accessibility comes the expertise to choose the best for themselves, and increasing competition for your business.

Having a sound customer engagement strategy is one of the most important practices for building a mutually beneficial relationship with your client, for high levels of customer retention and to earn loyalty. Try and find ways of engaging clients and keeping them captivated in order to steadily build your customer base and grow your business presence.

Encourage them to interact with you over your social media pages, live chat, and share their experiences with your brand.

Here are some of the most efficient customer engagement techniques that will immediately show a positive result:

1. Proactive support

The first step to active customer engagement is reaching out to your clients and asking for their input, their feedback, expectations and so on. Once you’ve established a strong proactive support program with each and every customer, they will start reciprocating, resulting in high levels of engagement.

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Send your clients follow up emails, telling them about upcoming deals or new products that are to be introduced. Offer them proactive Live Chat Service on your official website, which will act as a medium for interactions, problem solving and relationship building with the client.

Show responsiveness on your social media pages by sharing the relevant content of your clients and visitors, by responding to their posts and questions immediately and appropriately. Make sure you engage walk in clients and add a personal touch to live interactions with them.
“You will either get what you want or you will be used by others to get what they want.” – Grant Cardone

2. Active listening

Actively listening to what your clients have to say is an essential element of proactive communication and customer engagement. Improve your interactions with clients and your service by listening to what the customer has to say, understanding his/her situation and issue, and then coming up with a comprehensive solution for it.

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It will also help deal with clients who aren’t particularly vocal about their issues, by reading between the lines, empathizing with them and engaging them with a meaningful interaction, and solving their problem, or providing satisfactory answers to their questions. This will improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

3. Encourage & implement feedback

Encourage clients to provide feedback and reviews on your products and services by incorporating a feedback page on your online presence, by reaching out to them post-purchase and implementing their suggestions in order to improve customer service. This is another great measure to ensure customer engagement.

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Understand that your journey with the client doesn’t end when they buy your product, and engaging them after that will actually ensure repeat purchase and customer loyalty. Ask them for their suggestions to evolve your brand in the direction that will help achieve better customer satisfaction and land more clients.
“Know the philosophy, know the details, and ignore everything in the middle.” – Gary Vaynerchuk
Encourage them to share their experiences and make sure that your customer support staff is responding to any negative reviews that you receive, and improve your levels of customer engagement by making use of these reviews and using them to improve your products and service.

What is your experience with customer engagement? What can businesses do better with their customer engagement? Leave your thoughts below!

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